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made.)The young men primed to do the horsewhipping showed up late, outside Tyde’s house, aftereverybody had gone to bed. They had a gun, but they used up their ammunition firing it off in theyard. They yelled for the butcher and beat on the door; finally they broke it down. Tyde concludedthey were after his money, so he put some bills in a handkerchief and sent Becky down with them,maybe thinking those men would be touched or scared by the sight of a little wrynecked girl, adwarf. But that didn’t content them. They came upstairs and dragged the butcher out from underhis bed, in his nightgown. They dragged him outside and stood him in the snow. The temperaturewas four below zero, a fact noted later in court. They meant to hold a mock trial but they could notremember how it was done. So they began to beat him and kept beating him until he fell. Theyyelled at him, Butcher’s meat! and continued beating him while his nightgown and the snow hewas lying in turned red. His son Robert said in court that he had not watched the beating. Beckysaid that Robert had watched at first but had run away and hid. She herself had watched all theway through. She watched the men leave at last and her father make his delayed bloody progressthrough the snow and up the steps of the veranda. She did |
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