2024年4月26日 9:30
邢宏喜Hongxi Xing is a nuclear theorist and Professor of Physics at the South China Normal University (SCNU). He obtained Ph.D. in 2012 from Central China Normal University, jointly trained by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He held postdoctoral positions at University of Science and Technology of China, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory/Northwestern University before joining the Institute of Quantum Matter of SCNU as a full professor in 2018. His research interest focuses on hard probes in heavy ion physics, nucleon structure, as well as the application of quantum computing in high energy physics.报告摘要
Identifying the fundamental partonic structure of hadrons has remained one of the main goals in both high energy particle and nuclear physics since the pioneering deep-inelastic scattering experiments at SLAC in the late 1960s. In this talk, I will present the impact of exploring nucleon structure in the proposed Electron Ion Collider in China. On the other hand, inspired by the great promise of quantum computers using their natural capability of simulating real-time evolutions, I will also discuss recent progresses in using small quantum machines to simulate hadronic scatterings.
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